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and Seals - Thos Flournoy {Seal}
Ro. Kirkland
E R Turnbull

Clerks Office, Brunswick County Court Dec 8th 1863. 
This deed from Thomas Flournoy to Charles H. Rhodes was proved by the oaths of Robert Kirkland & E. R. Turnbull witnesses thereto & admitted to record.

E R Turnbull Clerk

A copy E R Turnbull Clerk

This deed made this 7th day of December 1863 between Charles H Rhodes & Mary E P his wife of the first part, and Thomas Flournoy of the second part. All of the County of Brunswick -  Witnesseth, that in consideration of the sum of two hundred & thirty three dollars, the said Rhodes & wife do grant unto the said Flournoy, with general warranty all their right title and interest in the following described parcel of land, Beginning at Britts Corner stake in said Flournoy's line, and running S 80° W 32½ poles to a black oak, thence N 65½° W 43 poles to a white oak, thence due South to the Meherrin River - thence down the river as it meanders to a sycamore, thence S 67½° W 16 1/5 poles to a stake, thence nearly due North as runs the old line to the beginning, containing eighty eight & a fourth acres (88¼) more or less.
Witness the following signatures & Seals

C. H. Rhodes {seal}
M E P Rhodes {seal}

B. B. Wilkes 
John T Griffin

Brunswick County, to wit
We B. B. Wilkes & John T Griffin Justices in the County

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-13 15:19:40