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Caledonia SS.

I Andrew E Rankin Clerk of the COUNTY COURT for the County of Caledonia, being a Court of record and having a seal, as hereto attached, do certify that Saml. B. Mattocks Esq., was at the date of the paper writings to which this is attached, and now is, a Notary Public within and for said County, duly commissioned and qualified; that his signature to the foregoing jurat and certificate is genuine; [[strikethrough]] that the said paper writings are executed according to the laws of this State, and are in due form [[/strikethrough]]; and that as such Officer. he is duly authorized by the laws of this State to take acknowledgements of Deeds and Depositions, and to administer Oaths, &c. 

In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of Court, at St. Johnsbury, this 16th day of November Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and sixty five

Andrew E. Rankin Clerk.