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Portsmouth Virginia
September 23rd 1865

Charles E. Johnston
Asst Supt. Bureau R. F and A.L.

The petition of John H. Richardson, who petitions for himself and on behalf of his infant sister Mary V. Richardson, respectfully represents that they are the only children, distributers and heirs at Law of John Richardson dec'd. late of this City, and as such heirs entitled to the real estate of which the said John Richardson died seized and possessed the same situate lying and being in the City of Portsmouth and bounded as follows viz. One improved lot on the west side of Court Street at its northern intersection adjoining the property of Samuel T. Hart on the north, also another improved lot situated on the north side of Glasgow Street, between Court and Middle Streets adjoining the property of Joseph Culpepper on the east and William H. Wilson on the west. 

Your petitioner further represents that he has no positive knowledge, but believes the said property was seized by the Treasury Agt. of the United States some fifteen or eighteen months ago and was he presumes turned over by him to the Bureau of Refugees & Freedmen's Affairs, that Bureau now having possession of it.

Your petitioner further represents that he was in the military service of the so called Confederate States as a private from the breaking out of the Rebellion to its close, that he has never held any office of honor trust or profit under the so called Confederate States or under the laws or government of any one of the several states members thereof; that the said property has never been libelled  

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as joining changed to adjoining ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-14 13:12:04