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as will appear by the certificate of the Clerk of the United States District Court herewith files marked (A) and prayed to be considered apart of this petition; that neither your petitioner nor his said minor sister are within the excepted classes of President Johnsons Proclamation of 29th May 1865; that they have both taken the oath prescribed by the Proclamation aforesaid and have by the terms of said Proclamation obtained amnesty and pardon copies of said oaths are also herewith files marked B & C and prayed to be considered a part of this petition.

Your petitioner also files herewith certificate of the Clerk of the Court of Hastings for the City of Portsmouth that the father of your petitioner died intestate seized & possessed of and entitled to the real estate aforesaid and that your petitioner is the legal guardian of his sister the said Mary V. Richardson; also the affidavit of Francis R. Benson ~~~~~~~~ that your petitioner and his said sister are the only children and heirs of law of the said John Richardson deceased.

In tender consideration whereof your petitioner respectfully prays that the said property may be restored to him and that proper orders to that effect may issue forthwith and that such other and further relief may be awarded him as the honorable assistant commissioner may deem meet and proper.

Respectfully submitted
John H. Richardson
Individually & as Guardian
of Mary V. Richardson

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-13 22:10:49 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-14 13:23:01