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Norfolk Va 28 Aug. 1865.

Charles E. Johnston Esq
Asst Sup R & Freedmans Bureau,
Norfolk Va.

The Freedman's Bureau have in possession a piece of property, described on their rolls, as "89. owned by Harrison Robertson, and is a Brick house on Main Street, now occupied by Patrick O'Falin"
"87. is a house on Main Street without description, only the name of the occupant, Thomas Hunt"
"These houses were taken as abandoned property in January 1864, by B.H. Morse."

The two pieces of property above described are, in fact, parts of one and the same house; the part described as 87 being only a wing of the main building 89.

The property belongs to the Estate of Robert Robertson dec'd., who died in Norfolk in the year 1831; and under his will passed to his seven children, as will appear by his will recorded in the Hustings Court of Norfolk City. No division of this property was ever made.