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Norfolk Va
19th June 1865

Lieut Keatley
Supt. Freedmen & Abandoned Lands

Having complied with all the requirements of the U.S. Government to secure to myself the rights of loyal citizenship, and finding that I am not excluded from the benefits of the Amnesty Proclamation of the President of the United States as published the 29th of May Ulto. I most respectfully ask that the fisheries composing a part of my property on Lynnhaven Bay, Princess Anne County Va. and  now under the control of your Bureau be immediately returned to me. I am induced to make this special application, because the fisheries refered to are not being used by the Government, are not in the occupancy of any one, and no revenue is being derived from them - Their immediate return to me will tend somewhat to relieve my family from the want now pressing them - Trusting Sir that my application, will receive your prompt and favorable action - I remain Lieut

Your Obt Serv't
Geo T Rogers