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Norfolk 26th June 1865

Coln O Brown Asst Commissioner 
Dear Sir

We did not see you when last in the city, I think from appearances, there is but little else made of our property, in possession of the Govt since 29th May 1863, the date of our receipt from A Q Master, I called today on Coln Blunt and was much to my surprise told by him that he had ordered the wharf put in first rate order there have been Gum spiles driven outside a log placed on the heads of the same and decked with [[Strikethrough]] two [[/Strikethrough]] 2 inch due sap pine boards, the front is all open with the dirt washing out, repairs of the kind are usually made with oak spiles cut in the winter and four inch heart should have been the decking when possession was given to the Govt it was taged solid from base to top, the front corner has been driven in by shamers, Coln Blunt supposed and asked me if it was not done properly, the carpenter told me he was doing as just as directed and with such materials as were given him to do with,  please inform him you expect to come down, had we not have been dispossessed of the property to the present time it would have afforded us an income of six thousand dollars revenue the past two years, and would of this time be in five thousand dollars there order,

yours most
Rowland & Bros

Transcription Notes:
Left edge is damages so partial words are transcribed. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-15 13:56:30 made several corrections ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-15 14:30:36