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proclamation of President Johnson, having taken the oath rendered necessary by that proclamation. 

The only reason why he applied for pardon being that he may perhaps be classed under the 13th exception to the amnesty, commonly called the $20,000 exception. although he is doubtful whether, if his debts he paid, his property remaining would be worth so much. The land in question is, to a considerable extent under lien to secure debts incurred before the war; and is the only property with which he can pay his debts, and from which he can derive any income to support his family - as he has none other, worth consideration, except his residence in this town.

There is one white tenant upon the land who pays to the Federal Government a money rent. He respectfully asks that he be allowed to collect from this tenant what may remain unpaid for the present year - viz - as he is informed, one half.  There are also freedmen who cultivate no land, living upon the land and pursuing other vocations - These, he presumes,