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Superintendent, Lt. Servetus Hawk.

Upon inquiry at his office several days since, I ascertained that said application had not even been forwarded to Capt. Flagg - although I had particularly requested prompt action, so that my calculations and arrangements for building might not be too greatly deranged; and that there was no immediate prospect for my relief.

These facts and the additional one that many others have had their lots restored to them, and are building, or have built, upon them, will, I hope, justify me in making this appeal to you.

My case is certainly as clear as any can be: the lots have not been confiscated and are not liable to confiscation. Besides, I am fortunate enough to have in my possession copies of the original deeds, made by the clerk of our court, at the time of their registration, which are very specific in furnishing the exact lines, boundaries and dimensions of each separate piece of property. So that there is no difficulty, either in establishing the proper and legitimate ownership, or the original lines of the lots in question.

You will confer a great favor by putting me in immediate possession of these lots, that I may not be thwarted in the arrangements which I had already