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This deed, made this 26th of October, 1860 between Jefferson B. Sinclair & Georgeanna, his wife, of the 1st part, and Francis A. Schmelz, of the 2nd part, all of Elizabeth City Co. Va., witnesseth, that, in consideration of the sum of twenty one hundred & sixty four 70/100 dollars in hand paid, and the sum of eight hundred & thirty five 30/100 dollars agreed to be paid as hereinafter stated they, the said Jefferson B Sinclair & Georgeanna, his wife, so by these presents grant, bargain, sell & convey unto Mr Francis A. Schmelz his heirs & assigns forever, in fee simple, that certain lot of land situate on the north side of Queen Street, in the town of Hampton, in the County of Elizabeth City aforesaid, upon which stand two brick stores, one now  occupied by R. Armistead any the other by Nath. Garner, boundry on the South by the street, on the east by the lot of F. A. Schmelz (lately Armistead's), on the west by the other lot of J. B. Sinclair (lately Phillips'), and on the north by the other lot of F. A. Schmelz: embracing and including in its bounds & limits the piece of land