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Norfolk Va., May 6th 1865. 

This is to Certify, That Geo Chamberland, aged 31, occupation Banker, residence Baltimore has taken and subscribed the Oath and Parole required by General Orders, Nos. 31 and 49, Current Series, for a Loyal Citizen of the United States, residing in a State ever in rebellion, or who has sympathized with the Seceding States. 
No. 607B

Capt & asst Provost Marshal. 

We, the undersigned, heirs of law of Laura Ann Taylor, decd, without will; respectfully petition that the house situated at the corner of Freemason and Duke Streets Norfolk Va., and which is the property referred to by the accompanying papers, may be restored to their possession. They hereby certify that none of them come under any of the exceptions of the amnesty proclamation and have each taken the amnesty oath months ago - 
R.C. Taylor.
W.H. Taylor. 
Geo. Chamberlain 

Norfolk OCt 21st 1865

[[stamp]] INTER.REVENUE 5 FIVE [[image with writing across it]] 5 CENTS. 5 CERTIFICATE 5 [[/stamp]] 

Subscribed and sworn to before me a Notary Public for the City of Norfolk Virginia this 21st day of October 1865. As witness my hand and seal of office. 

Simon S. Stubbs
Notary Public

Transcription Notes:
One unknown signature on top paper.