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Jno; Williams

Codirect to my above Will, I give to my wife Virginia in addition to what I have given to her in the above second and third clauses, Six hundred dollars in money, and all her paraphernalia in lieu of her dower and every other claim on my Estate, I give to my brother William all my interest in the library and books of my father and also all the books purchased by myself except such volumes of the latter as my mother and wife may select for themselves, which I hereby authorised them to do, as memorials of my affection. 

I give to Wright Southgate Esquire and my dear friend John Eyre each a gold pencil as tokens of my high respect and war esteem.

I give to Theo R Young also a gold pencil as a like to him

I give to Dr Robert Southgate a gold pencil as a like token and a fee of One hundred and fifty dollars in testimony of my regards and thanks.

I give to each of my wife's Sisters Ann, Susan Frances and Marrion each a Mourning Ring

I give to William Southgate my brother in law a pair of gold spectacles and I give to my brother in law Charles Southgate a dressing case as momentos of my kind regard for them/

In Testimony whereof I have signed my name hereto this 4th day of April in the year of our Lord 1854\

JR Hubard Robert E Taylor
Jno Williams

At a Quarterly Term of the Court of the Corporation of the City of Norfolk held on the 24 day of April 1854 
The Last Will and Testament and Codirect of Robert E Taylor deceased were proved by the Oaths of James R Hubard and