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No. 120
United States
All the right title interest and estate of William E. Taylor in and to all that certain lot piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in the City of Norfolk District of Virginia, on the West side of Catharine Street in said City and the Brick House thereon numbered Twenty six (26.)

"Decree of Condemnation" ordered February 18". 1865
(Not Sold - Sale Suspended)

No. 121
United States
All the right Title interest and estate of William E. Taylor in and to all that certain lot piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in the City of Norfolk District of Virginia on the North side of Main Street at the head of Market Square in said City. numbered as to the stores upon the same. 15. 17. & 19.

"Decree of Condemnation" ordered February 18". 1865.
(Not Sold, - Sale Suspended.)

In Testimony Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of said Court at the City of Norfolk in said District this 3d day of October A.D. 1865.
W. H. Barry. Clerk.
per R. C. Jones. Deputy.

[[image]] INTER REVENUE CERTIFICATE 5 FIVE 5 5 CENTS 5 [[/image]]

Transcription Notes:
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