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This paper written throughout by my own hand is intended to be my Last Will Testament- revoking all others.

I give to my wife absolutely all my household & kitchen furniture, plates liquors and every thing laid in for the use & consumption of my family, my slaves Nancy, Dinah, Anne and any one of my male slaves she may select, and Six Thousand dollars (including in that sum a bond heretofore given by me to my son Robert for her separate use & benefit.) I also give and devise to her, but for her life only my dwelling house & its appurtenances & one third of all the rents & profits of my real or leasehold estate. These provisions are in full satisfaction of all her claims on my estate, either as widow or under the said bond. 

I earnestly recommend my unfortunate brother John B. Taylor, to the constant care & attention of my wife & sons, not doubting that they will endeavor to render him as comfortable as his afflicted situation admits and I direct that two hundred dollars annually or so much thereof as may be needful be applied by my sons towards his support as long as his afflicted condition may require it.
Intending this, however only as a personal benefit to him & not for the benefit of his numerous creditors; it is to be applied wholly to his personal use, to be judged of my sons, or either of them.

All the rest & residue of my estate of whatever description, I leave to be equally divided between my sons, having reference however to any advancements made to them since the   day of December last to equalize the division.

It is my intention to add by way of Codicil, at a more convenient moment, some legacies of remembrance to my friends. 

I appoint my sons Robert E. Taylor & Wm. E Taylor Executors of my Will & request that no security may be required of them. Witness my hand & seal on this eighth day of January Eighteen hundred & thirty one.
Robert. B. Taylor

Note. The share of the nett profits & rents of my real & leasehold estate given to my wife for life is one third-  the word "third" having been altered by me from what it originally was
Robert. B. Taylor

In lieu of one third of the nett profits & rents of my real & leasehold estate given to my wife above for life. I give her for life. one half of the said rents & profits by this 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-16 18:06:15