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libel have been instituted against these Farms. See statement of Local Officer. It is our wish to retain as many of the tenants as are peaceable and industrious.

We would further request that a fair proportion of the rents for this year be allowed us, having been excluded from the use of the Farms, and having just obtained the use of the house.

Respectfully Submitted.
S.G. Tinsley.
Tho Tinsley
A. Tinsley

State of Virginia} 
City of Richmond } to wit

This day personally appeared before me T.B. Starke a Notary public in & for said city S.G. Tinsley Tho's Tinsley & A Tinsley & made oath to the correctness of the annexed writing  Given under my hand & Seal this 14 day Sept 1865

T.B. Starke N.P.


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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-17 10:40:29