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Norfolk Va Sept 13th 1865

Some time since we made an application for the restoration of a double house-frame situate on the west side of Church street in the City of Norfolk in which we have each an undivided moiety under the last will and testament of Geo Wilson Sr decd. said house having been taken possession of by the U. States Treasury Department in Sept on October 1864 subsequently turned over by said Department to the Freedmen's Bureau by whom it is now held as abandoned property. Our application was based not only on our having taken the Amnesty Oath but on the further fact that Thos M Wilson who was owner of an undivided moiety of this double house-frame above mentioned was a resident of the City of Norfolk at the time and said house was taken possession of by the U. States Treasury Department and that therefore so far as his interest was concerned it was not abandoned. Being still deprived of the possession of this property we hereby renew our application for its restoration to us and enclose the necessary certificates of Oath Title &c. 
Wm M Wilson 
Thos M Wilson 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-16 15:54:24 moiety = refers to a claim on lands or to the ownership of them. In a deed, the word moiety often appears as part of the phrase “undivided moiety,” when the shares of two co-owners or co-heirs have not been physically divided.