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Bureau R.F. and A.L. 
Office Supt. 1st Dist of Va
Aug 29th 1865

Respectfully returned to Col. O. Brown A.C. of Va. and attention invited to report of James Lord Asst. Supt. 

A.S. Flagg
Capt A.Q.M. and Supt Ref &c
R.S.O. 8.29.65. Fd 8.30.65

Hd. Qrs. Asst. Comm'r. 
State of Va
Richmond, Va
Sept. 1/65

Respectfully forwarded to Maj. Gen Howard for instructions
O Brown 
Col & Asst. Comm

Rec'd Hd. Qrs. Asst. Comm'r State of Va. 
September 1st 1865

[[stamp]] BUREAU R.F. & A.L. * WASHINGTON * REC'D SEP 3 1865 [[/stamp]]

L.R. W.23. - E.B. 67


War Department 
Bureau R.F. & A.L. 
Washington D.C. 
Sept. 5, 1865. 

Respectfully returned to Col. O Brown, Asst. Commr, &c. Richmond Va one third of the rent of the within property should be given Mrs. Winder, if she has complied with all the terms of the Proclamation of May 29, 1865. 
By order of 
Major Genl. O.O. Howard, Commissioner, &c
Wm Fowler
Asst Adjt. Genl. 

Rec'd Hd. Qrs. Ass't Comm'r 9/8/65

S.O. 51 Par. I Sep. 9th 1865 issued [[strikethrough]] restoring the [[/strikethrough]] in conformity to the above.