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March last. That your petitioner has cheerfully complied with the Presidents Amnesty proclamation, and taken the Oath of Amnesty. In view of these facts, therefore as well as in consideration of the fact that she has as yet recieved no compensation for the use of property aforesaid, and by reason of her moderate means, needs the use of the property for her support and a home. The same is my dower property, and at my death will go to the heirs of Nathaniel J Winder deceasd 
Your unprotected petitioner in her declining years, most respectfully prays that you may immediately give her one order of restoration for the house and lot above mentioned, as the order recieved here for one third of the rent that may accrue is not what your petitioner humbly asks. Hoping that I have made myself understood. I politely and respectfully ask that you [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] give the subject your consideration. 

Your obedient servant
Mrs Sarah U Winder, 
By her Attorney William G Riley 

P.S Gen I refer you to Gen JA Dix, Gen HH Lockwood, and Hon Joseph Segar, and I can say, by my advice the people of the Eastern Shore asserted their Loyalty in 1862. 
WG Riley