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Thomas P Jackson Esq. Asst. Supt.
Freedmen Bureau for the County of Princess Anne &e


When the state of Virginia in March 1862 called out her whole military strength, I entered the Confederate army as a private and so remained until after the surrender of Genl. Lee in April last, and upon the appearance of the proclamation of the President of the United States on the 29th day of May last took the oath as therein prescribed as will appear by reference to a copy thereof herewith filed. Not be-longing to any of the excepted classes in accordance with the terms of said proclamation. I respectfully ask for the restoration of all the property both real and personal that may be in the possession or under the control of the Freedmen's Bureau. The farm belonging to me called Hackwood, upon which I reside and upon which my family continued to reside du-ring the war is situated in the county of Princess Anne upon what is called the Gt. Bridge road contains five hundred and fifty one and 3/4 (551 3/4) acres and 16 poles of arable, wood and swamp land, and is assessed upon the commissioners books of the year 1860 at the sum of six thousand three hundred and