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United States of America
United States District Court District of Virginia 
Clerks Office S.o.

This is to certify that I have examined and Inspected the Records and Files remaining in this Office and that the only property I (sp?) Libelled for Confiscation and in said Court as the property of Joseph Woodley is the following.  

No.272 United States 
All the right title interest and estate of Joseph Woodley in and to that certain House and lot in the City of Portsmouth. District of Virginia lying and being on Middle Street in said City fronting on said street, 30 feet on the West adjoining the land of John Nash on the North and Zechariah Owens on the fourth Being the same premises now occupied by Mary A. Brown. 
(no Trial as yet.)
In Testimony Whereof I have hereinto set my hand and affixed the Seal of said Court at the City of Norfolk in said District this 3rd day of October a.D. 1865. 
W.H. Barry. Clerk.
per R. C. Jones. Deputy