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he returned to take possession of said farm, in May last - (And only left it temporarily for the safety of himself and family He being advanced in life, and in no manner engaged in the rebellion) - And found it occupied by some freedmen to whom it had been rented, or rather a portion of it, by the United States Government. But said farm has never been confiscated, as is shown and proven by the certificate of the clerk of the United States district court at Norfolk, also filed herewith as a part of this partition marked C. Your petitioner now shows that he has been pardoned by taking the amnesty oath of President Johnson's Proclamation, and does not come within any of the fourteen exceptions therein enumerated, as will appear by the certificate [[strikethrough]] of Lieutenant Porter [[/strikethrough]] herewith filed marked D. Your petitioner finally shows that, from wealth and affluence, he has been reduced by the war, to porverty and want, and, therefore, prays to recover the possession of his aforesaid farm called "Poplar Hall", and also the rent that may accrue the present year therefor to the United States government. And your petitioner will ever pray &c.

Octo: 31st 1865.

R.C. Wynne

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