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& Asst Supt &c. These men not having been reported to the Bureau on certified Report Rolls, and the informality attending the whole transaction being so great. that the accounts would not pass the Auditors office. The Asst Com'r does not feel authorized in paying them
(Sgd) O. Brown
Col & Asst Com'r

James A Bates
Capt & AAAG

L.R. C. 289, 2d Vol. 1866.

Crandon T. F. P
Capt AQM &c

Roth. J
Lieut &c

Bureau R.F. & AL
Hd Qrs Asst Com'r Va
Richmond VA Ap'l 11"/66

Respty returned to Capt T. F. P. Crandon AQM & Supt who will direct Lieut J Roth to report this case at once, so that it can be understood 
By order of Col O. Brown Asst Comm
James A. Bates
Capt & AAAG

L.R. B. 298. 2: Vol. 1866.

Barnes Stuart 
Capt AQM &c

Bureau R.F. & A.L.
H'd Qrs Asst Com'r Va
Richmond Va Ap'l 11"/66

Respty returned to Capt Stuart Barnes A.Q.M. & Supt 2d Dist &c. No appeal having been made in this case by either plaintiff or deft's the Asst Com'r directs that if either party is dissatisfied with the finding of the court, the whole matter be left out to arbitration. 
By order of Col O Brown Asst Comr
James A. Bates. 
Capt & A.A.A.G.

L.R. W. 391. 2d Vol. 1866.

War Dept Bureau &c

Armstong S. C. 
Supt &c

Bureau RF & AL
H'd Qrs Asst Com'r Va
Richmond Va Apl 11"/66

Respty returned to Maj Genl O. O. Howard Com'r inviting attention to enclosed copy of a letter sent to Genl Armstrong Supt 9th Dist 
(Sgd) O. Brown
Col & Asst Com'r

James A Bates
Capt & AAAG
See L.B. 4. Vol 606. 


L.R. C. 290. 2. Vol. 1866.

Crandon T. F. P.
Capt A.Q.M.

Murphy Ed
Lt & A. Supt

Bureau RF & AS
H'd Qrs Asst Comr Va
Richmond Va April 11"/66

Restly returned thro' Capt T. F. P. Crandon oupt to Lt Ed Murphy Asst Supt. The Asst Com'r does not know of any objection to the citizens of Louesa [[Louisa]] Co taking this oath. 
By order of Col. O. Brown 
James A. Bates
Capt & AAAG

L.R.H. 143. 2: Vol. 1866.

War Dept Bureau &c

Hite, C. W.
Lt &c

Bureau RF & AL
H'd Qrs Asst Comr Va
Richmond Va April 11"/66

Respty returned to Maj General O. O. Howard Com'r inviting attention to the following endorsement on a similar application from Lt Hite.
"The Asst Com'r has no other evidence of the manner in which Lt Hite performed his duties on the Eastern Shore expect that of Capt A. S. Flagg, his commanding officer.
"He regrets that this evidence will not admit of the recommendation desired.
"Sgd O. Brown Col & Asst Com'r".
Sgd O. Brown
Col & Asst Com'r

James A Bates
Capt & AAAG

L.R. G. 38, 2d Vol. 1866.

Merrell H. S.
Lt & Supt

Bureau RF & AL
H'd Qrs Asst Comr D.C.
Washington April 10"/66

Respty referred to the Asst Comr of Virginia with the request that he will ascertain the condition of these children, and if he thinks is advisable, will furnish them transportation to this city, That they may be sent north. 
By order of Bvt Brig Genl Howard
(Sgd) Wm W. Rogers
Bvt Maj & AAAG

Bureau RF & AL
H'd Qrs Asst Comr Va
Richmond Va April 11"/66

Respty referred to Lt H. S. Merrell Supt 3d Dist who will report whether it is advisable to send these children north, 


Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-15 21:48:37 changed "Sgt." to "(Sgd)" (Signed) ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-16 19:54:52 transcription does not match page; redo all; This entire transcription seems to be from some other project relating to telegrams from 1865. After contacting the SI TC, I erased this faulty transcription. ------------------------------ At time of my review - 4/17/24 - 1:46pm Est - there was only the first line transcribed. Added remaining lines. Seems there may be a loading issue on some these. If the transcription does not match the page (aside from any spelling errors), this will need to be escalated. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-17 19:14:59 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-17 21:31:42 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-18 07:39:15 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-18 08:25:39 Complete and Mark for Review