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and his master then swore he would kill him — Mrs Ford is employed by Dr Green as matron in the Bureau Hospital and is abundantly able and willing to take good care of Job. 

The boy is about fourteen years of age, is bright and intelligent and evidently can take care of himself. 
(Sgd) Charles. E. Johnston 
Asst Supt

Bureau R F & A L
H'd Qrs Asst Com'r Va
Richmond Va Ap'l 12/66

Respty returned to Capt A. S. Flagg A.Q.M. & Supt who will see that the boy is returned.

The reasons assigned by Mr Johnson are insufficient — Transportation order No. 512 is enclosed. please acknowledge receipt. 

Return these papers.
By order of Col. O. Brown
James A. Bates
Capt & AAAG
The first endorsement was not recorded in this Book

L.R.B. 300. 2d Vol. 1866.
Bureau R F & A L
H'd Qrs Asst Comr Va
Richmond Ap'l 12/66

Barnes Stuart
Capt AQM &c

Respty returned to Capt Stuart Barnes a.q.m to know if there is any evidence in this case in his possession. If so it will be submitted in order to enable the Asst Com'r to decide in the case.
By order of Col. O. Brown Asst Com'r
James A. Bates
Capt & AAAG
Rec'd Back April 30/66 & Filed

L.R. B. 301. 2d Vol. 1866.
Bureau R F & A L
H'd Qrs Asst Comr Va
Richmond Va Ap'l 12/66

Barnes Stuart
Capt & a.q.m.

Respty returned to Capt Stuart Barnes aqm & Supt. The Asst Comr does not see the necessity of so much wood at this season of the year, being turned over to the Bureau. 

By order of Col. O. Brown Asst Com
James A Bates
Capt & AAAG. 


L.R. A. 108. 2d Vol. 1866.
Flagg A.S.
Capt AQM &c
Bureau R F & A L
H'd Qrs Asst comm Va
Richmond VA April 13/66
Respty referred to Capt A.S. Flagg aqm & Supr 1st Dist Va. Who will make a full report in this case in compliance with letter of Adjt Genl U.S.A.
By order of Col O. Brown 
James A Bates
Capt & AAAG

L.R.C. 279. 2. Vol 1866
Virginia Supr of 
1. vol 392
rec'd back April 31/66
H'd Qrs asst Supt 8 dist
Salem Roanoke Co Va
April 10 1866
Respty returned to Bvt Maj B.C. Carter with the information that these men now belong to Co. H. 40" U.S. Cold Infy
Sgt Hiram S. Hunt
Lt & Asst supr

Bureau R F & A L
L'd 2nd asst comm Va
Richmond Va April 13/66
Respty forwarded to Bvt Brig Genl E.W. Smith
A.A.G. Dept of Va attention invited to endorsement of Lt. H.S. Hunt asst supr dated 10 inst. 
Sgt O. Brown 
Col & Asst Comm
Hurst H.L.
Lt. & A.S.
Capt & AAAG

L.R.J. 38. 2. Vol 1866
Virginia Dept of
1. vol 335. 
Rec'd back April 13/66
Bureau R.F. & A L
H'd Qrs asst comm VA
Richmond Va April 13/66
Respty returned to Bvt Brig Genl E.W. Smith AAG Dept of Va. Attention is invited to the enclosed report of F.S. Tukey asst supr in the case of A. Buskett and H.M. Tomlinson 
Tukey F.S. 
Asst Supt
Sgt O. Brown 
Capt & asst comm
James A Bates. 
Capt & AAAG

Bucket A.

The first endorsement on B. 256 was not recorded in this book. 
Tomlinson. H.M. 

Transcription Notes:
L.R. = Letters Received ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-16 10:46:23 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-16 11:15:19 Please transcribe as written. Place comments here, rather than within the transcribed text. Use [[?]] for unknown text, and just "Save" so another transcriber can decipher the unknown words. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-16 19:57:15 With the exception of the first sentence, this entire transcription seems to be from some other project relating to telegrams from 1865. After contacting the SI TC, I erased this faulty transcription. ----------- Please review because I wasn't sure what the scribble under the right side under bureau's were. Thanks ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-17 16:43:12 Changed "R F & A S" to R F & A L" (Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands); Cap. "L" and cap. "S" in cursive may look extremely similar, but you will see Bureau (Bu) of R F & A L on almost every page of the Freedmen's Bureau documents. Otherwise, use context as your guide. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-17 17:16:35