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L.R. H, 142. 2d Vol. 66.

Henry Jno, R,

Rec'd Back April 21st/66
Bureau RF & AL
Office Sub Dist Rich'd
April 19th 1866
Respty returned to Lt H S. Merrell with the information that diligent inquiry has been made, and notices sent to the different churches & Chimborazo but nothing has been heard from the woman.

(Sgd) Benj. C. Cook
Lt & Asst Supt

Cook B, C,
Lt & Asst Supt

Bureau RF & AL
H'd Qrs Asst Comr Va
Richmond Va April 21st/66

Respty returned to Mr Jno. R. Henry. Knoxville Tenn with reference to endorsement of Lt B. C. Cook Asst Supt

By order Bvt Brig Genl O. Brown Asst Comr
James A. Bates 
Capt & AAAG

The first endorsement was not recorded in this Book

L.R. J. 127. 2d Vol. 66.

Virginia Dept of
1st Vol. 357.

Rec'd Back April 21st/66
Office Asst Supt RF & AL
Gloucester Co Va
April 9th 1866

Respty returned to Maj Genl Terry with the information asked.

Very Respty Your Ob't Servant
(Sgd) Lemuel, K, Morton
2d Lt. 15th V.R.C. Asst Supt

Morton L. K.
Lt & Asst Supt

Bureau RF & AL
H'd Qrs Asst Com'r Va
Richmond Va April 21st/66

Respty returned to Bvt Brig Genl E. W. Smith AAG with reference to endorsement of Lt L. K. Morton Asst Supt.

(Sgd) Garrick Mallery
Lt Col & Inspector
in charge in absence of Bt Brig Genl O Brown Asst Comr
James A. Bates
Capt & AAAG

Rec'd Back June 26th 66 & returned to Mrs Jerrard New York City through Asst Supt of Gloucester Co Va


L.R. L. 104. 2d Vol. 66.

Virginia Dept of

Lamb Mrs Louisa

1st Vol. 385.

Rec'd Back April 20"/66
Bureau RF & AL
Office Asst Supt Prince Wm Co Va
Brentsville April 18"/66

Respty returned to Maj James Johnson Supt 10" Dist
The statements of Mrs Louisa Lamb are correct.
Her case is one of extreme suffering by the War. Her husband Thomas. K. Lamb was a sterling loyal man — an object of rebel hatred and proscription.
He was compelled to remove from his place in this Co with his family for safety during the War.
In June 1863 the following property estimated at the lowest valuation was burned for him by our Army. Log house value two hundred dollars — fine frame barn value eight hundred dollars — Mill value five hundred dollars — fencing value four hundred dollars — Mr Lamb died about the close of the war and his wife and children are now destitute — one son was killed in our Army.

(Sqd) M. S. Hopkins
1st Lt. V.R.C. Bvt Maj &. A. Supt
Prince Wm Co. Va

The undersigned certify that we known the statements in the above endorsement of Lt Hopkins to be true.

(Sgd) Hiram F Eastman
Sidney Teasdale

Hopkins M. S.
Lt & Asst supt

Bureau RF & AL
H'd Qrs Asst Comr Va
Richmond Va April 21st/66

Resptly returned to Bvt Brig Genl E, W, Smith AAG Dept Va, inviting attention to endorsement of Bvt Maj M, S, Hopkins Asst Supt.

(Sgd) Garrick Mallery
Lt Col & Inspector
in charge in absence of Bvt Brig Genl. O. Brown Asst Comr
James A. Bates
Capt & AAAG

L.R. C. 205. 2d Vol. 66. 

War Dept Bureau
1st Vol. 390.

Rec'd Back April 21st/66
Office of A.S. Charlottesville
April 17th 1866,

Respty returned to Col. O. Brown Asst Comr Richmond Va with the statement that if these papers be referred to the agent of the Bureau at Washington, I think that on communicating with a Mr Miller Wagon Master still on duty at Eastern Branch stables

Transcription Notes:
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