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Reid Back May 2/66

Flagg A.S.Capt AQM &c

Restly returned to Genl Brown to be submitted to Capt. Flagg. As that officer wrote so positively in another officer's case, and then retracted all the objectional features of his letter so far as that officer concerned.
This will give Capt Flagg an opportunity of saying whether he intended to condemn Lt Hits or merely to note his amusements for the information & not the action of the Bureau  
By Order of Maj Genl Howard 
(Sg'd) Max Woodall
Bureau R.F.& A.L 
Wash D.C. Apl 2d/66

Bureau R.F.& A.L. 
H'd Qrs Asst Com'r Va
Richmond Va May 2d/66
Respty referred to Capt A.S. Flagg AQM & Supt for his remarks. These papers to be ret'd 
By order of Bvt. Brig Genl. O. Brown Asst Com
James A. Bates 
Bvt. Maj & AAAG

L.R. M.290 2Vol.66/ 
Rec'd Back May 2d/66

Merrell H.S.  Supt &c

Respty returned to Col. O.Brown Asst Comr whose attention is invited to the endorsement on previous papers relative to the disposal of Chimbrazo Hospital, which will also apply in this case
By order of Maj Genl Howard
(sg'd) Max Woodhul
Asst Adjt Genl
Bureau R.F. & A.L. 
Washington April 30"/66.

Bureau RF & AL
H'd Qrs Asst Com'r Va
Richmond Va May 2d/66
Respty retured to Mr. H.S. Merrell Supt 3d Dist These buildings cannot be given to the within named persons for the purpose desired. 
By order of Bvt Brig Genl O.Brown Asst Comr
James A Bates
Bvt Maj & A.A.A.G
see L.R. W.404.
The first endorsement was not recorded in this Book

S.R.W. 422, 2, 0, 66.
Wan Dyr Beureau vc.
Resthly returned Maj Genl O.O. Howard Commissioner. If the Bureau counts 
are to be retained and Congress makes an appropriation [[?]] of Judge Fitzhugh, is approved.
James A. Bates
[[?]] Maj [[?]]
Sgt. A Brown
Bot Brig Genl & A.A.A.G

SRL 114.2 V GLS
Rec'd back May 3/66
Gacy R.S
Capt & Adm &C
Resptly returned with the information that the address of M.O. Harris late Captain 96th N.Y.Vols is Moriah Essex Co. NY
Sgt. Wm Irvine
Adjuntant General
A.G office 
Albany April 28/66

Harris M.C.
Bureau RF & AS
[[?]] Asst Comm Va
Richmond Va May 30/66
Restply returned to Capt R.S Lacy agmr & supr inviting attention to endorsements of adjt Genl of state of N.Y.
By order of Bob Brig Genl O.Brown Asst Comm
James A. Bates
Bot Maj & A.A.A.G
The first endorsement was not recorded in this book

S.R.R.32.2. V.LL
Wan Dyr Beureau vc.
Rec'd back May 2/66
Office R F & OS
Frederickburgs VA May 1 0/66
Resptly returned to Bol Brig Genl O. Brown Asst Comm
I presume Ft. Ayers intends to convey the idea that the within statement of 
Sarah A. Richards is true. and asks what will be done with these people. 
The distance from this place to West Moreland county precludes the possibility of sending rations to these people-it being over sixty miles by steamboat -and about twenty by land to Westmoreland Co [[?]] with no means of land transportation from steamboat the Cosset house at our command. The same

Transcription Notes:
Genl=General Capt=Captain maj=major Sgt= Sergeant Second page still needs transcribing. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-22 09:54:43 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-22 10:33:58