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Barnes Stuart Capt A Q M &c


War Dept
Bureau R F & A L
Washington Jun 26th/66
Respectfully referred to Asst Com'r State of Va to know if the friends of this woman in Petersburg will support her.
By order of Maj Genl Howard  Commissioner
Sg'd A.P. Ketchum
A A A Genl

War Dept Bureau &c

Bureau R F & A L
H'd Qrs Asst Com'r va
Richmond Va June 28th/66
Respectfully referred to Capt Stuart Barnes A Q M & Supt 2d Dist Va who will furnish the information called for in the endorsement of Maj Genl O.O. Howard Commissioner.
By order of Maj Genl A.H. Terry Asst Com'r
H Neide
Inspt & A A A G


Reed M.S.
Lt & A. Supt.


Armstrong S.C.
Supt &c

Rec'd Back June 28/66
Bu R F & A L Office
Supt. 1st Dist of Va. 
Norfolk Va 25th June 66
Respectfully returned to Maj Genl A.H. Terry Asst Com'r with the information that the papers referred to were on the 1st day of May referred to were on the 1st day of May referred to Lt A.G. Deacon by Capt A.S. Flagg with orders to summons the parties and take such action as justice should demand. No report has been received from Lt Deacon and he has been communicated with to learn if the papers ever reached him. Report will be sent as soon as rec'd.
Sg'd  Wm P. Austin Capt & Supt 1st Dist Va


Reed M.S. 
Lt & Asst Supt

Armstrong S.C.

Rec'd Back June 28ht/66
Bu R F & A L
Office Supt 1st Dist Va
Norfolk Va June 26th/66
Respectfully Returned to Genl. O. Brown Richmond Va with the information that the wood is still held as security for the payment of laborers. Permission has been given to the Co to remove a small portion of the wood for the purpose of enabling them to pay the laborers and probably in the course of three weeks all claims will be paid.  
Sg'd  Wm. P. Austin 
Capt & Supt

Austin W.P. 
Capt & Supt

Bureau R F & A L
H'd Qrs Asst Com'r Va 
Richmond Va June 28th/66
Respectfully returned to Lt M.S. Reed Asst Supt thro Genl S. C. Armstrong Supt 9th Dist Va inviting attention to endorsement of Capt W. P. Austin Supt 1st Dist Va.
By order of Maj Genl A.H. Terry Asst Com'r
H. Neide 
Inspt & A A A G
(The first endorsement was not recorded in this Book


War Dept Bureau &c

H'd Qrs B R F & A L
Office Asst Com'r 
Richmond Va June 28th/66
There is no school for colored persons in Franklin St. or near there of which the Bureau has any knowledge. If there is any such school it is taught by some unknown and unauthorized person.
Sg'd  R.M. Manly Supt Freedmens Schools Va

Bureau R F & A L
H'd Qrs Asst Comr Dept Va 
Richmond Va June 28th/66
Respectfully returned to Maj Genl. O.O. Howard Commissioner &c inviting attention to endorsement of Supt of schools.
Sg'd  O. Brown Bvt Brig Genl
for A.H. Terry
Maj Genl & Asst Com'r

Official H Neide Inspt & A A A G

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-29 19:19:20