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L.R. S. 138. 3d V. 66. 

War Dept Bureau &c

Recd back Aug 11th/66
Office Asst Supt B.R.F. &c
Fredericksburg Va Aug 9th/66

Respectfully returned to Maj James Johnson Supt 6th Dist Va. Bureau RF & AL with the information that this woman Ann. E. Smith on or about the 20th of July called on me and asked me to assist her in getting her child. and at that time I carefully investigated the case. and found that the child had an excellent home. that the character of the mother was that of a common prostitute and that she was totally unfit to have the care of the child
I was of the opinion that it would be for the interest of the child. as well for the Bureau that Mrs Scott would retain possession of the child.
On the enclosed papers being referred to me for investigation and report, I have again carefully investigated the case, examined several witnesses and find that this woman was always known in this place as a prostitute and drunkard - that she was frequently seen on the street in a beastly. state of intoxication. one witness testified that she was confined in the work-house at Alexandria for a short time during the summer of 1865, for drunkeness. 
Another says he passed the house at which she lived on an Island near Washington about thirteen months ago - she was said then to be keeping a house of ill-fame
I regret exceedingly that I am unable to gain any information in regard to her character. during the 12 months just past. She abandoned this child. a bright little Mulatto girl - about three years ago. leaving it with her mother who soon afterwards died. it was a hard matter at that time to get anybody to take the child. finally a poor white woman took it but was unable to keep it. She gave it to Mrs Scott who has taken care of it since. and treats it as one of her own children. Mrs Scott says she is entirely willing to give up the child. provided it is considered for the interest of the child that she should do so. My opinion is that the child will be much better off with Mrs Scott than its mother,

Sg'd  W G Roberts
1st Lt. V.R.C, & Asst Supt &c



Roberts W. G.
Lt & Asst Supt

Bureau R F & A L
H'd Qrs Asst Com'r Va
Richmond Aug 13th/66

Respectfully returned to Maj Genl O. O. Howard Com'r inviting attention to endorsement of Lt W. G. Roberts Asst Supt.

Sg'd  Alfred. H. Terry
Maj Genl & Asst Com'r

James A. Bates
A.A.A. Gen'l

The first indorsement was not recorded in this Book

L.R. W.605. 3d.V.66.
Austin W. P.
Capt & Supt


Rec'd back Aug 11th/66
Bureau R F & A L
Office Chf Med Off
Richmond Aug 11th/66

Respectfully returned with the report that there are seven (7) cases of small pox in the Pest House at Portsmouth within referred to, If this number should not increase. these patients could be provided for in the Pest House at Norfolk. The difficulty in the way of this is the unwillingness of the city authorities to allow small pox cases to be taken on the Ferry Boats across the river. They positively refused to allow it last spring.

Sg'd  J. J. DeLamater
Surg & Chf Med Off

Wilson Mrs A M

Bureau R F & A L
H'd Qrs Asst Com'r Va
Richmond Aug 13th/66

Respectfully returned to Capt W. P. Austin Supt 1st Dist  As soon as the buildings within referred to can be dispensed with, you will notify Mrs A. M. Wilson to make an application for the restoration of her property.

By order of Maj A. H. Terry Asst Com'r
James A. Bates
A.A.A. Gen'l

L.R. S.135. 3d.V.66. 

Morse W. R.
Bvt Maj & Supt

3d Vol. P. 50.

Rec'd back Aug 11th/66
Bureau R F & A L
Office Asst Supt
Fredericksburg Va Aug 10th/66

Respectfully returned to Maj James Johnson Supt 6th Va Dist, with the information that I am unable to find any such Freedman in this Sub-Dist as W. Jenkins or Wilson Jenkins - Mrs Lucy Gardner who formerly


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