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L.R. J. 262. 3d V. 66.
Rec'd back Oct 4"/66
Original Filed - Official Copy Referr'd to
War Depart B.R.F &c
Washington Oct. 1st/66.

White Geo. Q. 
Bvt Maj & c

Respectfully returned to Maj Genl Schofield Asst Com'r who is hereby authorized to dispose of the within mentioned property under Sec 12 New Bureau Law the sale to be made by a bonded Officer and the proceeds properly accounted for, they will form a part of the "Educational Fund" and will be reported to the proper disbursing Officer

By order of Major Genl O. O. Howard 
(Sigd) A. P Ketchum. A.A.A.G

Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Hd Qrs. Asst Comr Dept Potomac
Richmond, Va. Oct 4/66.

War Dept Bureau &c 

Official Copy respectfully referred to Bvt Major Geo. Q. White, Chief Q.M. & F.A. Bureau. &c. Dept Potomac, who will please dispose of the within mentioned property as directed in endorsement from Bureau Head Quarters. 

By order of Maj. Genl J. M. Schofield, Asst Comr
(Sigd) O Brown 
A.A.A. Genl

James A Bates 

Transcription Notes:
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