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Washington & Rappk [[Rappahannock]] County Virginia
31 March 1866
To T. Frank P. Crandon
Spt of 4th District
My Dr S
Lieut Roth Provost Marshall & Asst Supt of Freedmen's Bureau has handed me your letter containing [[strikethrough]] your letter of [[/strikethrough]] interrogation, to which I reply in the order in which they are propounded
Question 1st. Will your Board undertake to provide for the maintenance or  assistance of destitute Colored persons having a settlement in your county, in the same manner as destitute white persons are provided for?
Answer.  The statute Law of Virginia makes it the duty of the Overseers of the Poor to provide for the maintenance of all paupers in this county, who have a settlement in it without regard to colour.
Question 2nd.  What will be the extent & character of sch maintenance or assistance
Answer.  The maintenance or assistance will be the same whether white of coloured.
Question 3rd.  In what manner will the relief be afforded.
Answer.  By sending them to the Poor House, unless it shall be considered that by permitting them to remain in their homes they can be more economically