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supported - This has been the course heretofore pursued by the Board with regard to the White paupers - When sent to the Poor House and persons able to labour, will be required to do work upon the farm belonging to the overseers of the Poor, or to work in such other manner as may be deemed best by the Board.

Question to do - will you provide for all destitute Freedmen, if not for what proportion will you make provision?

Answer - This Interrogation is answered by the answer to the first -

Question 5 als - What rules of action do your Board propose for its own Government on the entire subject of colored persons -

Answer - The answer to this is also fully answered in replying to Interrogations 1st, 2nd & 3rd you then add "These questions apply to the present year and include the ability as well as the disposition of your Board in the promise"

If the Government will permit the county to take charge of its coloured paupers to the same extent as it does of the White pauper, the Board of overseers believe they have the ability as well as disposition to provide for them, but if the whole civil government of the coloured pauper be taken from the County then the Board doubts its ability to provide for them - The same

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-18 16:25:36 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-18 16:58:15