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Spotsylvania Co April 2nd 1866

Mr. T. F. Crandon

Dr Sir
To inquiries presented to me today I have the honor to reply, that the State Law makes no distinction between White and Col'd persons (paupers) neither will this board. And when the Freedmen of the County are turned over to the civil authorities they will be treated as other paupers of the county. 

There has been no levy made in the county for the help of any person White or Col'd and we are issuing to such as are paupers and go to the Poor House bread only and that was purchased by the Baltimore fund  I do not think the county is in a condition to be levied upon at this time. 

Some of the Houses are in a condition to receive paupers and some are out of repair, but to only a small extent. All persons who go to the Poor Houses are put under the entire control of the Manager of the institution and are made to work when able. And attended to when sick

Very Respectfully &c
Ben L Leavell
Pres. Board, O. P.

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-18 14:47:55