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Report of Board of Overseers of the poor of Northumberland Co. Va. in relation to Colored Paupers

Question 1st -  Will the board undertake to provide for the maintenance or assistance of destitute colored persons having a residence in their county, in the same manner, as is provided for destitute white persons.

Answer.  We will.

Question 2d.  What will be the extent & character of such maintenance or assistance.

Answer.  Enough to prevent suffering.

Question 3d  If maintenance & assistance cannot be provided for all. destitute colored persons, for what proportion will the board undertake to provide

Answered by first

Question 4th.  What rule of action does the board propose for their own government upon the whole subject of colored paupers.

Answer.  Provide for them the best we can.

Thos. Cookman
Chairman of Board for
Northld. Co. Va.