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Office Ass't Sup't R. F. & A. L.
Accomac County, Va.. D,Town Apr,5th 1866.

Capt, A. S. Flagg H.2.W
Supt. R.F.& A.L.
1st Dist of Va.

In obedience to Circ No 12 Dated Head Quarters Asst, Comm, R.F & A.L. State of Va. Richmond Va, March 21st, 1866 I have the honor to report that I have communicated with the Board of Overseers of the poor in obedience to Circ No 12 and I herewith report their answers.

I. The state laws under which they act, vested in them no discretion in regard to the maintenance and assistance of destitute persons white or colored: but that the same is made binding and imperative upon them. Whenever pauper cases for the application of county charity are presented, no discrimination is made by the laws of the state in extending aid and support to the destitute of either race, but both are alike subjects of public consideration and protection when age sickness or other infirmity disables them from gaining their own sustenance.

II That the extent of the relief given by the overseers of the poor to destitute persons not in poor house varies with the necessity of the particular case presented for their consideration, and it is always discretionary with each overseer to 
determine the extent

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