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to aid the destitute, at their respective homes by furnishing food, some clothing and medical aid. The quantity &c according to age, sex and condition. The necessities of each care to be judged of by the overseer nearest at hand. And in the event of [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] any difficulty in his mind, he calls to his aid the others of his district. Their decisions control the action of the board.

Whenever the party is unable to procure a home, he or she is removed to the poor house and placed in a cabin procured for the purpose.  The accommodations at the poor house are very limited.

"4th Will you provide for all destitute Freedmen if no, for what proportion will you make provision"
This will depend upon the number of the destitute, and the funds which may be furnished.  If the funds are sufficient all who may be judged needy will be aided or assisted.

"5th What rule of action do your board propose for it's own government on the entire subject of colored persons.  These questions apply to the present year and include the ability as well as the disposition of your board in the premises."
I do not know that I fully comprehend this question.  But I will make the following statement, which I suppose 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-19 10:04:56