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Giles C. Ho: Va.
Apl: 12th 1866

Lieut: H.L. Hunt
Asst: Supt:

The Board of Overseers, after holding a meeting for that purpose, requests me to say, in answer to the interrogatories rec'd from your Dept. a few days since, that they will undertake to provide for the maintenance of all freedmen who have been citizens of this County for twelve months and who are not able to take care of themselves. All others must (support & care for themselves. 

Should any remove to this County, that are likely, within twelve months to become a County Charge, will be ordered back to their own or some other County.
All freedmen (paupers) will be cared for, in the same manner, and at the same place, as white paupers

I have the honor Lieut:
to be Very Resply
Yr Obt Servt
A.L. Fry 