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The board of the Overseers of the Poor of the County of Charlotte report to the Officer of the Freedmans Bureau that they will undertake to provide for all the destitute Colored Paupers of the County Commencing on the 10th day of June next. They will provide for them at the Poor house and make the same provisions for them as for white paupers of the County and the same rule of action will be made for them as for the whites. The Poor House is under the management of a Superintendent appointed for the purpose who has charge of all the paupers of the County and makes all the necessary arrangements for their support under appropriations made by the County Court. Given under our hands this 7th day of May 1866.

CB Featherston
Saml V. Elam
Wm B. Harvey
Thomas. S. Pollard
Erasmus F Roberts