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Bureau Refugee Freedman & Aban Lands
Office Asst Supt Princess Anne R. Va
May 17, 1866

Captain A. S. Flagg AQM
Superintendent 1st Dist Va

I have the honor to make the following general return to Circular 18 C.S Hd Qrs Asst Comr Richmond Va.
1st The overseer of the Poor provide so far as I can ascertain for all "destitute and suffering white citizens" in the count of Princess Anne.
2nd No applications have been made to me for "Seed Corn" by white citizens and but one for "other seeds" which latter I supplied. Acting on your verbal instruction, I have issued "Seed Corn" to all proper colored applicants, making the sole condition, that it was for planting for the exclusive benefit of the Freedman.  Where the owner of the land has to take a share of the crop I considered he ought to supply the seed.
Respectfully submitted
Yr Obt Servt
Thos P Jackson
Asst Supt

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