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Report of Destitute White Citizens who do not receive relief from the civil authorities in Sub Dist D Sixth Dist Va June 1st 1866 In accordance with circular No. 18. present series.

[[4 columned table]]
| Names | Age | Sex | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Jared Merryman | 50 | Male | Loyal and all of his property taken by Rebels has a family of 4 small children |
| Margaret Munsing | 49 | Female | Loyal and Husband and three sons Refugees to the West |
| Charles A. Carroll | 38 | Male | Loyal and Destitute Refugee |
| Julia Metheny | 40 | Female | Loyal and Husband died from exposure while Refugees |
| Betty Edmonds | 20 | Female | Loyal and Orphans of Refugees and take care of two brothers & one sister |
| Mrs A. Lourey | 50 | Female | Loyal and Recognized by all of the Movement as such |
| Mary A. Kane | 42 | Female | Loyal and Widow of Refugee has three small children |
| Joseph P. Holingsworth | 63 | Male | Loyal and Destitute Refugee |
| Emily Cochran | 56 | Female | Loyal and Destitute Refugee |
| Henrietta Cochran | 25 | Female | Loyal and Destitute Refugee Sick |
| Rosattha Methany | 13 | Female | Young and unable to support themselves |
| Georgiana Methany | 10 | Female | Young and unable to support themselves |
| Charles F Methany | 7 | Male | Young and unable to support themselves |
| Willis J Methany | 4 | Male | Young and unable to support themselves |
| Margaret Clothier | 45 | Female | Sick & Destitute |
| Catharine Watson | 69 | Female | Sick & Destitute has been supported by Military authorities since they have been in this valley |
| Mary Susan Watson | 30 | Female | Sick & Destitute has been supported by Military authorities since they have been in this valley |
|   |   |   | Number of Rations required for them the coming month about 850 |

Gilbert R. Chandler
Captain & Asst Supt Sub Dist "D"
6th Dist Va