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Office Asst. Supt. Bureau "Freedmen &c." 
Buckingham County Va June 12, 1866. 

Captain Stuart Barnes
A.Q.M. Supt. 2nd Dist. Va
In compliance with Circular No 18, Hd. qrs. Asst. Com. State of Virginia, dated Richmond Va May 8th 1866. I have the honor to report the following number of Destitute and suffering white Citizens in Buckingham Co. Va 

[[6 columned table]]
| No | Names | Age | Sex | No of Children under 21 years of age | Circumstances | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | 
| 1 | William Wright | 96 | Male |   | Bedridden over 12 months | 
| 2 | Susan Adsock | 50 | Female |   | Entirely destitute. | 
| 3 | Ann Gregory | 73 | Female | { | Mrs Gregory is very infirm, has four (4) Grandchildren, and no means to support them, destitute. | 
| 4 | Nannie Gregory | 10 | Female | { |   | 
| 5 | Judith Gregory | 8 | Female | { |   | 
| 6 | Florence Gregory | 7 | Female | { |   | 
| 7 | Charles Gregory | 5 | Male | { |   | 
| 8 | F.B. Maxey | 64 | Male |   |    | 
| 9 | Jane Maxey | 60 | Female |   | } Very poor & destitute | 
| 10 | Job Hammontree | 74 | Male |   | Very poor | 
| 11 | Sally Shons | 33 | Female | Children under 12 yrs 5 | Widow very poor | 
| 12 | Jane Baby | 50 | Female |   | destitute | 
| 13 | Mildred Ayres | 73 | Female |   | destitute | 
| 14 | Frances Hudgins | 36 | Female | Children under 12 yrs 7 | Widow & 7 children very poor | 
| 15 | James Austin | 70 | Male |   | destitute of any support |