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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen &c.
Office Ass't Sup't Sub District Westmorland
and Richmond Co's Va
May 31st 1866

Major James Johsnons
Sup't &c 10th Dist
Fredericksburg Va


I have the honor to report in compliance with Circular No 18 dated Hd Qrs Ass't Com'r State of Virginia May 8th 1866 as follows:

That it is impossible for me to make out an accurate list of those who are suffering and who do not receive aid from the civil authorities. The board of Overseers of the Poor met during the last week and they told me that they had made sufficient provisions for the poor.

This means that all who accept of relief from this source have to go to the Poor-House, or they will not get any support from the county.

Many poor whites have made application to me for relief who are situated thus: They have rented land and have a crop planted but now have scarcely anything to live upon. They claim to have large families of children and other complaints too numerous to mention and claim should they leave their crop to go