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Report of destitute and suffering white citizens in the sub District of Madison Co Va, who are not furnished relief by the civil authorities
[[3 Columned Table]]
| Names | Age | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Martha Jeffries | 40 | Two sisters who have no relations |
| Agnes Jeffries | 35 | and who are in poor health |
| Martha Huffman | 36 | A widow in poor health |
| Joel E Huffman | 12 | Son of Martha Huffman |
| Nancey E Huffman | 11 | Daughter of Martha Huffman |
| Jackson E Huffman | 2 | Son of Martha Huffman |
| Mrs Wyatt Hurly | 88 | Very destitute |
| Mrs Nancy Coats | 80 | Very destitute |
| Mrs John Hurly | 75 | Very destitute |
| Mrs Martha Loyd | 80 | Very destitute |
| Mrs Mary Loyd | 56 | Very destitute |
| Mrs Julia Loyd | 60 | Very destitute |
| Ann Bach | 35 | Has four children I could not ascertain their names. I was informed by their overseer of the four that they were quite small.  But he was not certain of their age and sex. |

Saml W Carpenter
Capt. 96th Reg. V.R.C. and Asst. Supt