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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Headquarters, Sub-District York and James City Counties, Va.

Yorktown, Va., September 22d 1866


Pursuant to Cir. No 1. C.S. Hd Qrs Asst Com'r January 1st 1866.  I have the honor to report that there are a very large number of Freedmen in this county who are unemployed, (it is impossible to give the exact number).  Men, women, and children, are here who could if removed to other places find employment and be provided with comfortable homes, but seem to prefer to live here, in almost starvation.  Every effort has been put forth, to urge upon the Freedmen, the benefits which would accrue to them, by a removal, but to a great extent without avail.  Many however have now small plots of ground under cultivation and it is hoped when their crops are gathered that greater success will attend efforts for their removal

I have the honor to be
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Svt
F. A. Massey.
1st Lieut and Asst Supt
York and James City Co's. Va.

Gen'l S.C Armstrong
Supt 5th Disct
Fort Monroe

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-18 10:56:25 Per SI personnel records: YORKTOWN Jan. 1866–May 1868 Assistant Subassistant Commissioner F. A. Massey (3rd Division, 5th District)