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Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands. 
Head Quarters 11th. Sub-District of Virginia
FARMVILLE, VA,- June 1st. 1868.

Brvt Brig Genl O. Brown. 
Asst Comr. Bureau R. F. & A. L, 
Richmond Va, 

In compliance with Circular No 1, Par I. dated Head Quarters Asst Commissioner, State of Va, Richmond Va, Jany 1st, 1866, I have the honor to report that the Freedmen in the four Divisions, of this Sub District, are all employed - The majority are working land for shares of the Crops and as nothing can be realized until after Corn is gathered, they are universally in straitened circumstances. Most of those who are working for wages are not entitled to receive the money earned until the close of the year, so that their condition is little better_ Some of the Tobacco Factories at Farmville are in operation which benefits the town laborers-. Wet weather has  retarded corn planting seriously and unless an early change for the better occurs, the condition of the farmer and the laborer, next winter must be distressing -.

I am General, 
Very Respectfully,
Your Ob't Servt
Thos P Jackson
Sub Asst Comr, 11th Sub Dist of Va. 

Transcription Notes:
lots of unreadable words and phrases. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-21 08:15:20