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be required to enable each neighborhood to erect a school building.  Afterwards some of the schools would be self-supporting - others could do no more than pay the board of teacher.

Alms House and Jail.

The former is composed of several cabins of Hewn logs with dirt floors, and board windows.  By the latter the inmates are effectually deprived of light, especially during the cold season.  Humanity demands that they should be exchanged for glass and that the floors should be boarded. 

The jail has recently been whitewashed, and is in good repair.  The prisoners state that the jailor treats them well, giving them a sufficiency of good and wholesome food.


There has been but one arrest in this County during the month.  This was the case of Moses White (col'd) charged with a breach of the peace.  A full statement of the above is made in the report required by Par. 6, Cir No 10, Mch 12th /66.  White was committed to jail in default of giving security in the sum of $500.00.