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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Head Quarters 1 Div 1st Sub-District, Va.
Norfolk, Va., Dec 31st 1868

Br Brig Genl O Brown
Asst Com Dist of Va
Richmond Va

I have the honor to report pursuant to Cir No 6 Series 1866 from Hd Qrs Asst Com Dist of Va that the Condition of Bureau Affairs in this Div is without material change since the date of my last report. There is much regret manifested by the Freedmen at the discontinuance of the Bureau as they think with reason that it discontinuance at this time cannot fail to result in much suffering amongst the destitute who have formerly participated in its Comities, and in much detriment to the interests of loyal men generally. It is believed however that these bad results may be met and at least partially overcome by filling the various Civil Offices (many of which are now filled by men of Secession Sympathies) with loyal men until such times as the State shall have resumed its place in the Union, and the people have the choice of their rulers. I regret to report

Transcription Notes:
"Comities"-courteous and considerate behaviors towards others