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[[9 Columned Table]]
| No. of Case | On Whom Committed | White or colored | By Whom Committed | White or Colored | Where | When | By Whom Reported | Character of the outrage and action in the case |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | concurred and Thompson was released. Thompson complained of Wilson for assault and battery for which he was held to appear at the next term of the Grand Jury and in default of bail was committed to jail. |
| 77 |Stokes, Sandy | Colored | Civil Authorities |   | Lunenburg Co. Va | 1868 Septr | W.P. Austin A.S.A.C. | Report under Cir:6 for mo: ending Sept 30th/68 Stokes was laboring under contract with another colored man named Wm. Stokes for a share of crops - Harrison Winn (white) drove Sandy off the farm, and threatened his life if he returned. E.C. Scott, Magistrate, was requested to hear complaint & hold Winn to keep the peace.  The driving off and threatening was admitted by Winn but justified on the ground that Wm. Stokes had (as per contract) no right to employ anyone objectionable to Winn, and that Winn had a right to drive Sandy off his premises, and threaten him if he did not comply. On this the Magistrate concurred and released Winn. Sandy was advised to look to Wm. Stokes for his pay - |

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-11 17:05:02