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[[9 columned table]]
| No of case | On whom committed | White or Colored | By whom committed | White or colored | Where | When | By whom reported | Character of outrage and action in the case. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 87 | Powell, Jacob | Colored | Rice, Robert F. | White | Hanover Co Va | Nov 23d 1868 | Ira Ayer Jr ASAC | Report under Cir 6, Series 1866, for mo: end: Nov: 30/68. Reports that Rice shot two colored men, one on purpose the other accidentally, that he afterwards gave himself up, and was committed in default of bail for $500. Extract of report returned to Ira Ayer Jr. Decr 3d 1868, for the names of the colored men injured, and a more explicit report of the within case. |
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   | Ira Ayer Jr ASAC |H.346. R.F&AL, Va, 1868, dated Decr 10th/68. Reports fully on above case, and states that Rice was employed by Major Archer, that he went to the kitchen premises to eat his breakfast, that, after eating, he was sitting by the kitchen fire, preparing to smoke, when Jacob Powell, colored, entered, and kneeling down between a cold man & woman, presently remarked in a jocular way that he could "Knock down any man in the room" - Rice, got up, walked into middle of room and said "come out here" - After a few passes Powell knocked Rice against the wall, when the latter becoming enraged, seized an axe and drew it as if to strike Powell - here the other colored man interfered and begged Rice not to strike - Rice went out to a pile of bricks, and took up one and threw it at Powell; he then went to a building were he procured a shot gun, which was loaded. Returning with this, he saw Powell standing in the door of the kitchen and immediately drew and fired at him - Several shot struck Powell, one in the eye destroying his sight - With this exception he has recovered -  The other colored man was also hit, but not materially injured - After the shooting Rice went immediately and gave himself up to Dr I.G. Lumpkins JP, stating that he had shot Powell intentionally &c - At the November term of the County Court that Grand Jury found a true bill against Rice for shooting Powell. At the trial the counsel for the defence appealed to the prejudices of the Jury - Rice was "an "ex-Confederate Soldier" a "Virginia gentleman" a "white man" - that Powell was a "nigger" &c - The Jury found Rice guilty for unlawful shooting and sentenced him to one cent fine and 12 hours confinement in the County Jail - Filed.|
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   | W.A. Coulter AAA Genl | L.S. 813. RF&AL, Va, dated Decr 17th 1868. Addresses Ira Ayer Jr ASAC, and calls for a report of full names of Justices trying this case, and their disqualification, if any, under the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the US. |

see preceeding page 

Transcription Notes:
-the large bit of writing on the left hand side is a spillover from the writing on the right hand page. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-13 09:14:39