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King William Court House
Kg. Wm. Cy Va April 30th 1866

Bvt Brig Genl Saml C. Armstrong
Supt 9th Dist Va
Fort Monroe Va

In obedience to Cir No 10 B.R.F. & A.L. Hd Qrs Asst Com. State of Virginia dated Richmond Va. March 12th 1866, I have the honor to inform you that during the month of April 1866, I have attended upon the trials of four freedmen. I can say that the freedmen  were treated with Justice, two being discharged the other two being convicted. Their trial by civil authority had a salutary effect upon the freedmen, especially when they found that all were not convicted. They now think that the people in this county [[strikeout]] are [[/strikeout] at least are disposed to do them Justice.

I am General vy Respt Sir
Your obt servant
John C. Chance
1st Lt. &
Asst Supt B.R.F. & A.L.
Kg Wm C Va


Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-24 11:45:39 to correct "Va." and left justify the letter. Also corrected the signature block.