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with several Gentlemen from various parts of the county in regard to his case, and all say that the utmost penalty prescribed by the State Laws, for horse stealing must be meeted to him and that he must hang. My opinion is that if he was tried for the theft at the present time, and found guilty, he would be punished with death. I am at present unable to say whether he will be likely to have a fair trial or not. perhaps I will be better able to judge after I have witnessed the preliminary examination At the suggestion of Major James Johnson Supt 10 Va District Bureau of RF and AL. the Freedmens Court for this sub-District is now held monthly instead of weekly as formerly, which I find to be amply sufficient for the transaction of all the business that now comes before it I am General Very Respectfully Your most obedt Servt WG Roberts 1st Lieut V.R.C. Asst Supt RF & AL King Geo County Virginia
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Reopened for Editing 2024-04-24 17:53:27