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0192 Bureau R.F. & A.L. Off. A. Supt. Prince Wm. Co. Va. Brentsville May 8th 1866 Maj. James Johnson Supt. 10th Va. Dist. Sir, In compliance with par. VI. circular No. 10. Hd. Qrs. Asst. Comr. of Va. dated March 12th 1866 I have the honor to report - Thus far the circular has not resulted unfavourably to the interests of the freedmen. No freedmen have been prosecuted for any crimes in this co. but two white men have been warranted on complaints of freedmen and have been dealt with as fairly as if prosecuted by white men. This report should have been made on the last day of April, but somehow I was so careless as not to make it on that date. Very Respectfully Your Obt. Servt. M.S. Hopkins 1st Lt. V.R.C. Bt. Maj. A. Supt. Pr. Wm. Co.
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Reopened for Editing 2024-04-24 22:56:55